Saturday, August 8, 2009

Swaziland Youth Congress turns 18!

Today, Saturday August 8th, PUDEMO's youth wing, the Swaziland Youth Congress will be turning 18 years old.

To commemorate this day SWAYOCO shall be at Matsapha, in the eviction threatened areas, as a sign of continued solidarity with the oppressed masses of our country.


Friday, August 7, 2009

News coming out from the Court case of Mario Masuku and Amos Mbedzi

SSN update.

Message 1:
"Am with Mario Masuku and Amos Mbedzi here in court. Mario says I must tell you all that change will come, he will hang in there till you people rise up and say enough is enough."

Message 2:
"The President was defiant and he shouted VIVA and the over 100 people who turned up at the court were ecstatic....Mario was in high spirit and Mbedzi pleaded not guilty. He even did a little toyi-toyi in his leg irons. Am inspired."

These statements are all by our comrades inside court.

Viva the People's President Mario Masuku Viva
Viva to our Internationalist Amos Mbenzi Viva


Monday, August 3, 2009

PUDEMO President to have pre-trial hearing this week

Scheduled for 9:00 AM Friday Aug 7, 2009 is the pre-trial hearing for Mario Masuku, PUDEMO's President.

South African national, Amos Mbedzi, is also to have his pre-trial conference on the same day.

These pre-trial conferences will be attended by High Court Registrar Lorraine Hlophe who today said that the trials will begin in September when the second session of the High Court starts.